Hey All,
Well i got up this morning after feeling great for two days. Actually spent the whole day cleaning, laundry, went to the store. No pains, no rumbling in the tummy. NOW, this is whats weird, last night i ate roast and potatoes, and a reeces peanut butter cup later in the evening. No, problem, nothing. Went to be got a great nights sleep. Then about 9:00 am this morning, the rumbling started, and the urgency to make it to the bathroom, i was on the phone, and before i could to the bathroom, i had gone a litte in my undies, but once again, it was watery, very watery,, but, in my underwear i noticed, (please forgive me) a couple of smaller than pea size, lumps, yellow, and not soft either, like rubbery. First time ive noticed that, and it wasnt corn, cause i havent eaten corn in forvever, not even popcorn. Does anyone have an idea what that could be???? Sorry, if this sounded gross I just wondered if anyone else had any similar experiences??? thanks