Sounds like IBS, only IBSers never have blood. The trick is to determine if the blood is from hemmroids or intestinal ulcers. If its from ulcers, then you have IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disorder) and you'll want to talk more with the Ulcerative Colitis people or the Crohn's people depending. If the bleeding is from hemmies, well, join the club.
Unless you have been diagnosed with hemmroids before, you'll need to get a colonoscopy to see where the blood is coming from. That you experience pain when sitting down sure makes it sound like hemmies. If the blood is always bright red and you never have dark stools, a G.I. may just do a short scope in office to see if you have them. It's not as invasive as a colonoscopy and you don't have to be put to sleep.
I see that you have some other disorders as well. You may want to ask your doctor if IBS is a common occurence with them. My mother has fibromyalgia and I was just reading this morning that IBS occurs in 40-70% of patients with fibromyalgia.
I am puzzled that you say you feel like you could start to have a bowel movement daily. Most people DO have a bowel movement daily. It really sounds like you are having constipation issues. And constipation leads to straining and hard stools that can cause hemmroids and/or make any you might have a lot worse. If you are passing small, round or otherwise hard stools or are having to strain a lot, you need to get a laxative or something of that nature (aloe vera pills/juice, epsom salts, prunes, etc.) to make your stools softer so you won't irritate your rectum so much. I know you say you are on fiber, but fiber pills actually make me worse constipated, not less. Fiber doesn't always make a person's bowels function.
Have you tried cutting out the fiber and vegetables to see if your gas improves? Raw vegetables are especially hard to digest and tend to result in a lot of gas. Fiber can make you gassy as well. And for people with IBS, apples are especially notorious for causing gas, gas cramps and sometimes diarrhea.