(I know many people view these topics,but it would be very helpful for a reply...thank you!
I have IBS-C/Diverticuposos/Gerd, lost 65 lbs in seven months and have chronic stomach cramping and very loud lower stomach gurgling noises. Niow I am experiencing rectal cramps too.
Besides the Colonoscopy/Upper-Lower GI I have had, is there anyone out there that has had any results going to the Hospital for more tests and procedures, like an x-ray,Ultrasound,or Endoscopy. I feel there may be more to this pain. from who I talk too, many people seem to have this pain go away. This is not going away anytime soon,and I may need something other that exploratory Surgery. no thank you.
"First I feel the pain,then sometimes,not alway's,but I can feel and see a Lump in the pelvic area, it might be either side,but it is tender to touch,almost hurtful if you press down hard enough,but after touching,I then hear the gurgling and rumbling noises. Something goes through. This happens about four to six times a minute. I was going to see my GI doc about this,but what can she do ?
Just as long as this intestine doesn't rupture. not knowing how pliable these organs are, and if they are able to handle whatever is going through them alright. Gas, Food, both?"
Thank you!