Hello I am new and I HAVE IBS "0)
I have had it for 13 years I am 27 now.. I had my gallbladder removed in OCT and since then I have not been the same
it seems my IBS is way worse.. I am in so much pain in my lower belly. It shoots into my hips it feels like and part way to my lower back. I have had blood test 3 uppers and lower belly cat scans and other tests lol... They never find anything and sometimes I will get such bad nausea it will wake me up from a dead sleep.. That's a problem but right now and the past few months ( Its really bad a week after my period )
But the past 3 weeks It just has NOT STOPPED at all.. And today I am having problems going to the bath room and that hardly ever happens its mostly feels like I go to much lol. It feels like someone is pushing on my lower belly from the inside LOL That's how bloated I feel and have been for weeks.. Off and on.
But I could even handle that its the pain, Sharp in my lower belly on both the right and the left off to the sides and I feel it in my hips and tail bone/ lower back. It kinda feels like an overran cysts on BOTH sides ( witch I have had ) but I was checked for that with a pap and belly CT and blood work.. I was also checked for cancer so I am very upset and kinda afraid and feeling alone. God I am so embarrassed but I have to say lol ( when I pass gas sometimes the presser and pain will let up ) You know people with IBS spell relief F-A-R-T LOL sorry just trying to be a little funny. A little IBS humor HEHE
Ok back to me lol.. I have been having a LOT of family problems and MAJOR stress do you think that could be why I am in more pain then most times?
( NOT that being a women does not cause stress all by itself :+0 ) Does anyone get bad bad lower belly pain? Because what you say back to me LOL I am a Hypochondriac
Thanks so much for reading
P.s I am so sorry for the typos its very late and I am typing very fast lol