Hi, gang. I'm 35 and I'm scared. Here's why...
- no familial history of any cancers
- no visible blood in stools
- I'm "only" 35
- no abdominal pain
- I'm normally constipated
- 3 weeks ago, I had a bout of constipation+diarrhea, which normalized
- 2 weeks ago I noticed my stools are fewer in quantity, thinner (not pencil-like, but not what I used to pass either) and contain bits of undigested food
- for the past week the constipation worsened
- I stress and get anxious VERY often over almost anything
- my doc played safe and sent for a CBC, a kit of three stool samples and complete (colon+sigmoid) imagery. I will have the CBC results next monday, the stool culture results in about 2 weeks, and I'm scheduled for the imagery on July 10.
What are the odds of this NOT being a malignancy?