Yes, Colestid is a colesterol medicine. I don't have high colesterol though. A GI doctor Rx it for me for the consitipating side effect it has. It worked for a bout a week and a half and I am back to the good 'ol 'D" again. I feel like a walking pharmacy! I hate taking medicines. Especially medicine that is used to treat a condition that I don't even have, like high colesterol. Wouldn't think that wouldn't be good for your body?
I'm considering going to a Dr. that emphasizes supplements and vitamins. I HAVE to get in check soon. I've been dealing with this everyday for 4 straight months now. I go back to teaching in a little over a month. I thought I'd be better by HAS slowed down a bit...but it is still there...every morning I have diarrhea. Not 1 normal BM in 4 months now. I've lost weight and can't afford to lose any and my hair is falling out bad now.