HI! I hope I can help you, or at least make you feel better.
We sound VERY similiar. Let me ask you this...are you a nervous person? I truly am and have been for quite a while. It all started when my parents got divorced about 5 years ago...got worse when family problems became horrible and then I got engaged and had to plan a wedding and move to a new town, I teach about 750 students a week, etc.
Here's my story: I got diarrhea out of nowhere starting March 15 of this year. I thought I had a flu or something like that. Needless to say, it didn't go away and I was calling my doctor by mid April. She ran blood tests and stool cultures...nothing was found, all was normal so she referred me to a GI specialist. I had a colonoscopy, Upper GI x-rays, EGD, small bowel series, hida scan (for gallbladder), ultrasounds of abdomen and pelvis...you name it, I've had it. All negative. SOOO...they say I have IBS with diarrhea. I STILL have diarrhea/loose stools everyday. Not 1 normal bowel movement during htis time. It has slowed down though. Instead of going 5-10 times a day, I go 1 or 2 times. It always hits me right when I wake up in the morning to go to work. I never feel any bad pain...just a sudden "urge" to go.
I bacame depressed, lost weight, losing hair, anxious...this made it WORSE. I realized that I can let the ruin my life or I can "get on with it"...I choose to get on with it and enjoy life. Who knows, maybe it will go away sometime!
I hope this helps and feel free to post me anytime you need to talk! I UNDERSTAND what you are going through and there are others like you out here that would love to help you feel better.