Thanks for all of the great info. I'm amazed by the things that you all have pointed out. Before I was diagnosed, I wasn't eating regularly or I would stuff myself when I finally had the time to eat. Boy, I did I regret that, but I never understood why!
This gives me even more incentive to make sure that I eat regular meals and have snacks ready when I need 'em. I'll be sure to start a food journal too! Thanks for the tip!
I've definetly noticed that IBS is fickle. I mean some days I have no problem, other days I just feel all bloated or worst in so much pain that I can't crawl out of bed!
Hopefully with these (and other) tips I'll be able to find a way to manage it, rather than having it manage me! Thanks again all and if you all or anyone else has any additional advice or suggestions I'd love to hear 'em!