Posted 10/15/2006 2:33 PM (GMT 0)
My husband is 68 and had septiciemia in 2004.. He nearly died, but thankfully he survived. But he has never been quite the same - for the longest time he was unable to go to the bathroom without taking laxatives. His doctor just kept telling him not to worry as it would just take time for him to heal. Then the situation took a reverse turn and he started going more than usual. In the past 2 weeks he has been going on the average of 30 times a day, and has to wear a diaper in case he can't make it to the bathroom. He is so embarassed and refuses to see a doctor. I've been reading up on IBS and have learned that calcium carbonate would help his condition. I know we are on a long journey here and there is so much to learn - it scares me, but I'm going to have to be in charge here. I'd certainly welcome any and all suggestions. I have had Fibromyalgia for 11 years now, so I know about how debilatating these illnesses can be. I look forward to meeting y'all - I'm from Texas!!