My NP spoke with a tropical medicine specialist about
my case and came into the exam room yesterday saying, "Has anyone done an MRI on your liver?"
I said no, that's a new one...what the heck would that show?
She went on to say that the doc had told her about a particular parasite found in East Africa that can cause recurring diarrhea and abdominal pain for years, and patients will have asymptomatic phases in between acute episodes. She said the doc had said my symptoms pretty much match the prototype and one way to find the thing is by doing an MRI of the liver. I had the thing done today - went in this morning, got the IV started, was in the MRI tunnel for about 45 minutes while it clanked and creaked, only to be pulled out and told by the radiology tech that "the MRI seems to be malfunctioning for some reason." I had to go back this evening to do it all over again!
Anyway, I thought that was interesting...not betting that they'll find an answer, but hey, who knows?