Posted 11/16/2006 5:45 PM (GMT 0)
I would ask him what's the point of cauterizing it if it's already stopped bleeding? Technically that's all a cauterization will do. But he may actually want to remove it all together (and just cauterize where he's cut it out), or searing it a little with a lazer may toughen it up so it's less likely to bleed in the future. There may also be the possibility that, since it ruptured, there is now a little pocket in there which can trap junk and get infected and he thinks it best to close that up. Or he may just want to bill your insurance company several hundred dollars.
I've been to a procedure-happy GI before myself, so don't be afraid to say, "Umm... and why do I need that done? Give me all the details." If he can't explain the need for the procedure to your satisfaction, then you may very well feel inclined not to have it done. My rule of thumb is that what a doctor is saying about anything needs to make sense to me. If he can't make it make sense, then it's either not necessary in the first place, or I'm dealing with an imcompetent doctor anyways.
Have you tried regular doses of aloe vera capsules to help you get regular?