I started the probiotics 7 days ago.They help me....why did my Dr NOT tell me about
this treatment? The relief was immediate ! A little gassyness,but even that helped! (thanks that I was home alone,lol) Then I added the fish oil 2 days later. That also helped! I am still on all my regular meds,though. I figure it can't hurt you,so give it a try! 7Lil,the only symtom I don't have is rectal bleeding. Last attack threw me into the hospital,this time with ISCHEMIC colitis. A blood clot in my colon. That was 3 months ago. The clot came because I have a genetic gene mutation called Factor V Leiden,my blood clots too much. So I also am on Lovenox injections 40 mg each day. I started out on Coumadin,but that caused the colon bleed. My GI DR. does not know that much about
the FVL,so I have a Hemo-Oncologist for that issue. But I did find out something very interesting. Many FVL pts have colitis, Crohns, and other gastric problems, also immune system deficiencies. So I also look for clotting ,even though I am on the Lovenox. If I clot now,the dosage will be upped. Desert-88,you will handle it,believe me. You will get drugs that will help to alieviate your symtoms,and will be more comfortable. Go to the Dr,you are not alone! Scrappy