Hello im new here, my name i Mike and im 19 in a few weeks, i have been very scared with the symptoms i have been having latley. I startred to notice a pain under my left rib cage it would come and go and its not as bad anymore but now i have a list of other problems, it fist started with me having constipation, one day i woke up and did my regular thing and started earting and i would get very bloated and my food felt like it was getting suck in my stomach, it still does, it just feels like something is blocking my food from comming out, when i do use the washroom my bowels are a light brown, always the same colour and everything and sometimes it will come out narrow and sometimes it will come out normal, when it comes out narrow i get very scared (usually its light brown and tarry), a few times when i noticed red spots on and in my bowel movements, not in the water, on the actuall bowel, another one i'm scared of is now my rectum has a burning pain and its very akward feeling and very discomforting...just not a good feeling.....it comes 15 miniutes after i go to the washroom and it lasts for about
a hour...and then comes and goes through out the day.. sometimes i will get a pain under my left shoulder blade...it just is weird when i eat and my appititte is pretty good, i just keep eating and my stomach just gets soo bloated and big and i have no earge to use the washroom and when i do nothing come out or some will come out and the rest is still stuck....I also have a few anxiety disorders so this is making me think the worst, i am actually thinking sometimes that i am going to die from colon cancer...do my symptoms at all match up to IBS??.....when i read up on the symptoms i do have alot of ibs symptoms but more symptoms of colon cancer then them all....have any of you ever had the exact same symptoms as colon cancer and you thought forsure you had it??...
I went to alot of doctors and some say its a acid problem and some say its from stress and others say its other things....but they all have told me i don't have colon cancer....i feel they don't know exacly what i am going through, like there missing something....now im getting a baterial testing of my bowels and i have a blood test that i am waiting on...
I'm going to try and get a colonopsy ....i hear its very painfull....anyways somebody please respond to me im a wreck right now