I have severe anxiety that I know impacts my tummy... I've been diagnosed with IBS but also had rectal surgery when I was 18 to repair a horrible fissure. Anway, I have a lot of trouble with my stomach (bloating, horrible gas, D) I feel like I have to strain because I never really feel like I'm finished going. Sometimes my stool is narrow (pencil poop), sometimes it's ribbon like, other times it's too loose to go one way or the other. Every once in a blue moon (literally) I have a movement that seems maybe more normal. I look at the size of my children's bowel movements and I think OMG how does something like that come out of a child and why don't mine ever look that big???
I'm only 30 years old (just turned) and with my health anxiety I always turn minor issues into life threatening illnesses. Do any of you think that my bowel problems could be related to the surgery I had over ten years ago? - is a person who's had rectal surgery more likely to develop colon cancer? - Can IBS really cause thin or narrow stools, and if so, why?
Any answers would be greatly appreciated, thanks.