I have been struggling with stage 2, 3 and probably 4 Hemorrhoids. Bleeding enough to make me anemic, and of course lots of pain every 2 weeks. Already had endoscopy and colonoscopy done to make sure no other sources of bleeding.
So, seems like I will have to get something done for the long term. The very thought of a Hemorrhoidectomy scares me to death I have been reading all kinds of bad episode on this forum and others on the web.
Meanwhile, I stumbled across what seems like a FDA approved silver bullet: Doppler Guided Hemorrhoid Artery Ligation (DG-HAL). Promises to be painless (or at least not as painful as Hemorrhoidectomy).
More info at:
http://www.nature.com/ncpgasthep/journal/v3/n5/full/ncpgasthep0457.htmlApparently folks in Europe and Asia have been using this with great success. In US, FDA has approved this. I found out that a Florida Hospital is successfully using this.
http://www.floridahospitaldigestive.com/services/hemorrhoids.aspThe question is, has anybody gone through this in US? How can I find a list of specialists in the Philadelphia area?
I am really hoping that this is available