I have had IBS for over 10 years. i have been to all the Dr's and had 100 test with out any help. I took evey pill known to man with no releif. i could not go anywhere with out a map to all bath rooms. the pain lead to panic attacks and many trips to the ER only to be sent home. i take xanax and barrley tablets to make my life normal. 1/2 of a .25 mg xanax and a barrley pill has return me to noramal bowel movements,reduced burbing,less panic attacks, no more bleeding. Most Drs do not want you to use the xanax i use it on a limited base. also relaxation tapes daily help with controling all the panic attacks. all the things that seem to help my drs said was a waste of my time ( Drs are not alwas correct when they dont have an magic pill like Protoics.