I came here for Gerd, people have advised me in there so its my turn to give back. Here is my kidney cancer story.
I am 37year old male, I was diagnosed with kidney cancer on 1/21/2011. I had a 13MM tumor in my right kideny that was foound on accident by a CT scan, I was having symtoms like frequest urination, but turns out that was from stress, so I really had no symtoms, but I was lucky that I asked my Doc to stop caling it stress (which it was because the symptoms stopped b4 the surgery) and look closer. I had the CT on aThursday, didnt get a call back on Friday so I thought all was good, got a call on Monday at work asking me to come in and get an ultrasound that there was an abonormality found in my right kidney, I got the ultrasound, they told me that night it looks like a tumor and sent me to a urologist within the next few days...this was NOv 2010, I went to see the urologist, they told me flat out 50-50 chance its cancer, they do not biopsy kidneys for fear of spreading the cancer (its a small chance but it must be there for them not to do it) I see by your post it is "suspected" so that tells me they went the same route w you....they gave me 3 chioces, surgery, wait 6 months to scan again & check for growth, or do some experimental freeze, there was no way I was gonna waith for cancer to grow more, and I was not in a experimental mood, so I opted for surgery ASAP, they told me its very small, probably is cancer, go enjoy holidays and we will do the surgery in Jan, I had a partial kidney removal laproscopy on 1/05/11. For me, The worst part is all of the air they pump in you for surgery to be able to move around in there...it takes a week or so to get rid of the air, you will see what I mean, walk around as soon as they tell you to even if you dont feel it, it helps get rid of the air. I was out of work for 3 weeks ( i do office work), and back to Normal in a few months. it took 3 weeks to find out if it was cancer, and it was, stage 1 t1 (low agressive). I had a follow up scan 1 year later in Feb 2012, and had no regrowth, I will get checked again in 1.5 yr...I wont lie to you, I did not handle all of this as well as I could, I thought I was gonna be dead in a year, but a lot of that is me and my drama ( I am a complete Hypochondrac, and getting cancer when your that does not help). You really learn paitence in these times, I wanted to know right away, but all in all I had to wait about 3 months from the first CT scan to the diagnosis,,,it wasnt fun.
So that is my semi long story....I hope it helps, I wish you all the best, and I have been there brother......there is nothing anyone can say to make it OK, but you will get through it, if I had any regrets (besides having cancer), it was that I could have been stronger for my wife, who was a rock for me the whole time.
I hope this helped as well as it could...again best to you and your loved ones...