Posted 7/9/2014 1:14 AM (GMT 0)
Has anyone else experienced something like this?!
Back in January I woke up one night/early morning about 4am with HORRIBLE back pain. I have ulcerative colitis and with all the medications I am on i am always told to make sure I report any kidney pain and i always wondered what the difference between kidney pain or just back pain would feel like - I completely knew it was my kidneys. I had to lay on my bathroom floor because I was nauseated from the pain and almost got sick. I almost went to the ER but it started to subside after about 20 minutes and I was finally able to go back to bed, and went back to sleep. The next morning it felt like someone had kick boxed me in both kidneys. I was incredibly sore, but it wasn't the "on fire" burning excruciating pain like the night before. Also when I peed once that morning, my urine was the colour of iced tea.
I saw my dr the next day, and they took a urine sample (which wasn't dark when i did the test). the reports came back as a negative for a UTI - I had actually originally thought I had a kidney stone but the pain never continued, and it wasn't in one kidney, but both. I never had any previous signs pointing to a UTI (such as frequent urination, burning, etc. Literally just woke up randomly one night, had crazy pain for 20 minutes, and felt like garbage the next day, peed iced-tea coloured urine ONCE, and was super sore but otherwise was fine)
Again this month, almost the same thing happened! Except this time during the day. Morning started out totally fine - I felt fine, no UTI symptoms leading up to anything but I was watching netflix on my laptop (I had been up and awake for a few hours) and my back started feeling uncomfortable and it got worse and worse and within MINUTES my kidneys felt like they were on fire again, and it was radiating around my sides and down into my pelvis. Nothing relieves it - I kept standing because sitting or laying down was almost worse because I was so restless because it hurt so badly. Because I have UC, I have Emtec-30 for pain that I take once in a while. I normally take one, but I took two for the kidney pain. It helped a bit - enough that I chose not to go to the ER - but this time the pain lasted much much longer than it did in January and it hurt to even walk around, or get into my car (my boyfriend drove me don't worry haha). After about an hour I went to a walk-in clinic because I had used the washroom and my urine was SO dark - almost the colour of cola - and it terrified me. I saw a dr right away who told me it was probably a UTI and had just reached my kidneys and I was prescribed macrobid which I took for the week and the results came back that I did have a UTI. Again, when I did a test my urine was pretty normal coloured. Just a little foggy.
Has anyone else experienced anythign like this? I have absolutely ZERO symptoms leading up to this event. Just random kidney pain that hurts like no other. I have had people tell me it sounds like I have a kidney stone, but I totally don't because a) it's in both kidneys and b) the pain doesn't continue for hours that excruciating or anything.
Summary/TL;DR: 1st event: no previous uti symptoms, random burning kidney pain for 20 minutes, urine ice-tea colour only ONCE, NO UTI diagnosis
2nd event: no previous uti symptoms, random burning kidney pain for a few hours, urine dark iced-tea coloured only once again, UTI diagnosis