I recently had some flank pain for which the urologist sent me for an xray & sonogram. The xray revealed a possible stone so he sent me for a CT scan thinking it was kidney stones. but the scan only revealed a swollen ureter wall.
My urolologist thinks the thickening of the ureter wall is from stones but he wants me to retake the ct scan to see if the thickening went down, if it hasn't we need to investigate a possiblekidney problem. but im concerned about all this radiation in such a short time, from what I read its 500 times that of a normal xray (he said if I refuse then I have to go in for a uteroscopy ), im getting a 2nd opinion in a week but wanted to see if anyone has had a similar situation. I remember the sonogram was able to determine the walls thickened too but he says he needs this to get all the info he needs. Curious if anyone has an opinion on what they would do in this case. btw Im 33, decent health but I am tired a lot. Thanks!