Hello ........
You may have already had your appointment but ..........
I, too, went into the hospital with renal failure two years ago this month. Mine was due to blockage of both kidneys by cancerous tumors. My creatine level at the time of admittance was just over 14.
There was permanent damage to my left kidney - and a kidney stent was placed two years ago. It needs to be replaced every 6-months with minor surgery although under anesthetic.
The right kidney was damaged but not as seriously - and a nefrostomy tube was placed on that kidney. It needs to be replaced every 6-months but it's a very simple operation with only a pain deadoner given at the time of replacement.
Both are due to blockage - although dehydration did also exist.
For two years now, I have had major blood tests every 28-days. It's mostly due to the cancer - but my kidneys are checked at that time also. This past week, my creatine level was 1.8 and last month it was 2.0! I seem to stay in the 1.8 to 2.0 range consistently up thru two years so far.
Your new baseline may very well be closer to 1.5 to 2.0 - instead of 3.0! Of course, I'm hardly a doctor. It's just been my experience with my kidneys.
Peace and wellness
Rob & Gizmo