Hi Laurie,
Sorry to hear you have fibro too. Yep, it's SUPER common to have both lupus and fibro together. I do. It's hard to distinguish the lupus flares vs the fibro flares.
I can see you're not on prednisone for your lupus, which is handy. Fibro and prednisone don't mix well.
The swollen lymph nodes might be sjogren's syndrome. Again, very common for us. I'm sure she has checked you for the antibody, but to make sure, just ask. Sjogren's presents itself with swollen lymph nodes, dry mouth, and eyes, etc. I have a mild case of it. Hardly ever notice it.
I'm glad to hear that the Orencia is working for you! That is very positive! I hope you have a much better 2008 as well!