well I had the case manager and a nurse out yesterday to make a plan for me. I will have someone come out on mondays and thursdays to clean, cook, do laundry, help with my hair after showers I have trouble with my arms and my breathing to comb it out. she will do dishes sweep mop do bathrooms, run errands, clean my fridge pretty much whatever needs done. she will come 3 hours a day 2 times a week. than my nurse will be here 2 to 3 times a month. more if needed. she can come 36 times a year and have it paid for. They also have a van that will take me to doctors. They are putting in life alert
incase I fall or can't breath or somthing. they are fixing my bathroom up with bars and stools and a hand held prayer so it makes it easier for me. The fire department is coming out to install fire alrms.
I had to go over a bunch of papers for living wills and stuff with my sister. she is my power of attorny. I know all this should sound like a blessing but I am somwhat overwhelmed. I keep telling myself "but I'm not that sick"! I've havn't even really tried to get this help it just all came to me after my last hospital visit. I've taken care of myself all this time. Than I read this part that this is my option to keep me in my home instead of a nursing home! When did I get so sick I needed a nursing home? I guess I'm sicker than I want to beleive. I'm finding this whole idea very uncomfortable.
One good thin is I stopped taking the second HP medicine 3 days ago. The nurse took my BP and it was 130 over 77. I wouldn't mind if it was a little lower but considering I'm not taking the other med I thought it was pretty good. Not to mention that when I quit taking it my migraines went away and my shaking went away. I have a doctors appt monday and will discuss it further but I am not taking that stuff again.
anyway that's it from oklahoma
love ya