Hi Everyone
Thanks you so much for your well wishes and prays. They finally let me out yesterday after realising that putting me into a ward was not a good idea considering i could pick up another bug from other patients. This time in hospital has been by far the scariest as the doctors who were trying to treat me knew nothing about lupus or had even heard of my medication, they didnt even have my medication in the hospital, lucky bacause I usually take my own anyway. I take arava along with other meds.
They were no older than I was and tried to tell me that they were going to put me on new meds and treat me with iv steriods because i didnt realise how sick I was.
I refused the iv becasue i have been a long time steriod user and my rhemmy dos not want me to have anymore than needed but they would not listen and tried to bully me into something which was truly terriffying. After a long day of crying and argueing with them they finnally realised that i wasnt going to change my mind so they said that i could just take more pred (which I wanted to do from the very start and see how things went)
Thanks goodness for my mum otherwise i dont know what sort of mess I would be in right now
Anyway I managed to make an appt with my rhemmy for Monday and they were not happy about me being able to pre arrange that because I was the patient and they were the doctors.
So at the moment im just holding my own and on 55 mg pred plus antibiotics, water pills and cannot drink anymore than 1.5 litres a day plus all my other lupus meds, until I see my rhemmy, they still want to do a bronscopy plus a kidney biopsy but the will be up to my rhemmy now to decide thank goodness because he wont put me through any unneccessary trauma which he has often told me before. I still have inflammation around my heart and lungs and my mitral valve is serverlly damageed but they did say my body has adapted to this and coping well with it so dont have to worry about a heart valve transplant at this point in time.
Im all ready for my appt on Monday and have a list of complaints about my treatment and also what actually what i think built up to this episode as i was put on clexane prior to a vulval grade 3 operation and that when my problems all started, I will let you know how I get on when i see my rhemmy on Monday.
Just thank you so much for your thoughts once again and I will try and post more because we are the only ones that really understand. Just make sure you alway try and stay strong no matter who or what comes at you and hopefully things work out in the end.
Take care
Tash32 (Maree)