Hi there,
First, I need to squelch a couple of points you mentioned. You can not, in any way, contract lupus from another person, or by donating blood or plasma. Lupus isn't contagious. So those two possibilities are gonzo. So is the anitbiotic theory.
Everything else you mentioned, could be lupus. But they could be loads of other autoimmune diseases too. Lupus mimicks many diseases, and vice versa. You need to see a rheumatologist, who can order a lupus blood panel. Even with those blood tests, you might not have enough symptoms to warrent a lupus diagnosis. For most of us, the diagnosis took many, many years to get.
www.lupusfoundationofamerica.org, is a good resource to tap into for more information.
Your mitral valve prolapse is a common occurance in lupus as well. I have it too. In lupus, it's called Libman Sach's Endocarditis. You could look that one up as well.
I'm sure you'll get more responses to your questions. I hope you can get the answers you need in short time!
Oh, just for interest sake. Lupus is the EXACT opposite of AIDS. AIDS is an immune deficiency. Lupus is a hyper-active immune system.