I am so mad I feel like punching a wall. But - we all know THAT won't happen...not enough strength and I would pay for it for MONTHS.
I've got this STUPID upper respiratory crap. I'm on a z-pack...have been since Monday. I feel worse today than I have the last two days. I'm coughing my head off. Can I take cough medicine? NO! No, I can't because narcotics give me rebound headaches...and it only took me four months to get rid of those once they started. Hopefully I'm coughing because it is breaking up.
I just had a coughing spell like nothing I've ever experienced before.
I coughed so hard it felt like I pulled every muscle in my chest and a bolt of lightening went through me. It doubled me over...hurt every joint in my arms and I thought I was going to look in the mirror and every blood vessel in my eyes would be broken. Now my shoulders are throbbing like they were when I got this wonderful diagnosis.
I am so tired...didn't sleep for anything last night because I was all wound up about a problem my daughter had a school. Plus, when I was driving home from work yesterday (40 minute drive), I felt like I was going to fall asleep at the wheel - so I stopped and got a cappachino. I was still awake at 12:30 this morning and then proceeded to wake up several times after that.
And, I know that, in addition to the lupus, it is because my weakened immune system is trying to fight off this crap. I told my husband tonight that I feel like I did seven months ago as far as the fatigue.
I feel like stomping through the house and screaming at the top of my know one of those "terrible two" temper tantrums.
Anyway...thanks (as usual) for listening...