So many symptoms, but no definate answers. Here are some of the things I've been experiencing:
RASH: moved from fash to neck and chest, lots of itching. Starts out looking like hives, but dosen't go away during flares. This is has happened 4 times this year so I itch a lot, but no real rash.
JOINT PAIN: hips and fingers, thumbs...have been diagnosed with bursitis, and arthritis. The pain started in the night of major pain, then okay, but 4 days later...the neck rash....
HEADACHES: not often, but flares have begun with a doosy of a headache, then feeling okay...then within a few days, the rash and other symptoms.
CHEST PAIN: mostly felt in my upper back/lung area...during one flare only..deep breaths extremely painful, as was sneezing...that was pretty bad. That lasted about 4-5 weeks.
SHORTNESS OF BREATH: I walk up 4 small flights of stairs at work, many times daily...about 36 steps total...should get easier...beginning of year I made it all the way with no problem, now can make it about 1/2 way before running out of breath!
NUMBNESS IN FOOT: Weird, but feels like I've tied a shoe too tightly...foot seems to go numb alot...every day.
HYPOTHYROIDISM...have been diagnosed with that for about 7 years.
RAYNOUDS...same time line on that.
ARTHRITIS ....more pronounced in last few months...mainly contained to thumbs and hips. (have had lyme disease 4 times, I've always attributed the arthritis to that?)
EXTREME FATIGUE AND EXHAUSTION: This is the worst. Some days have tons of energy, but most, feel as though I am dragging myself through work, and once I get home, I just want to crawl beneath the covers...but have 4 kids to take care of...
Blood work for the Rhuematoid factors came back normal...the double strand DNA came back indeterminant...have to retake....urine came back with small amounts of red blood cells in it...(twice) The tests were taken a few days after a flare of what ever this is ended.
I am only 48, pretty physically not smoke, eat a very healthy diet, lots of water....