Hi bigsanfer,
Have you had your thyroid checked? When mine was first acting up, I had A LOT of pain and weakness in my upper arms and shoulders. I couldn't lift my arms high enough to brush my teeth. Eventually, the pain spread to my throat and chest. I felt like my whole upper torso was swollen. It hurt just to laugh. I even had a hard time swallowing food. A higher dose of preds. didn't even help. My rheumy checked me for every kind of muscular disorder; even some disorder that usually only hits men in their 80's(yeah, I'm a girl). After all of these tests came back negative, he asked if I'd ever had my thyroid checked. I hadn't, so he checked it; sure enough it was my thyroid. Went on some meds for it, and no more pain.
Definately talk to your rheumy. Lupus can mimick so many other things, it's hard to tell what is going on without running a battery of tests. Good luck.