i have a question on lupus flares. i am in limbo right now but i know that whatever this is i have comes in flares, i used to call them episodes. the last one i had was the worst ever. i went through bad pain throughout my joints that lasted 12 hrs straight then after i was left with things i had nevr experienced before. twitching, my fingers would jump on thier own, non painful muscle spasms, memory problems, poor concentration, loss of grip, loss of balance, week knees, i even had this thing where my throat felt tight. i had those things last for almost 2 mths. now most have gone but i fear they will come back. i still have some twitching, a vibration feeling in my legs at times, the tightness in my throat comes and goes and i've also noticed when it does i my voice gets a little hoarse, i still get week knees, and have issues with balance but its not as bad as those 2 mths were. can lupus flares do this to you? i was tested for ms and the neuro said my mri cae back negative so now we're looking at other things.
can it effect you neurologically, your muscles, and all that?