Thanks everyone,
yes, my rheumy is on vacation. There is another rheumy in the office, I called and left a message detailing what was going on and asking for an emergency slot, but no one has answered my phone calls. Not much help.
I'm really feeling like this is lupus, the way I feel tonight. Rosie, you're right. It won't harm me to go big and see what happens. I feel a lot of malaise and fatigue and just feeling icky. This feels like lupus tonight. If I go up to 30mg and I feel worse, then I know it was a massively disgusting Fibro flare. If I feel better, I'll be so glad I did it. I just don't want to do this without the knowledge of my rheumy or pcp. I want to take extra pred tonight, but I"m scared. Isn't that weird? I've never had a problem tackling a flare up before. I just take the prednisone and get her done. But like you said Judy, my Fibro goes absolutely crazy if I'm on too much pred. I can't win here. I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and take my chances. I'll take more pred after I talk to my pcp tomorrow morning..... Decision made.
Wow, major anxiety regarding this. Here's another part of my dilemma. I have a wedding to photograph on Saturday. I don't want to feel worse for that! I'm stuck. It's a no win situation. If I feel worse than this on Saturday, I'm hooped. Sorry to lay this all on you guys. I'm feeling very needy!! LOL.
Hugs and a good night to all,