Hi, can anyone out there tell me if they have been pregnant and/or have kids and have lupus? i had a miscarriage a couple months ago and recently got pregnant again. i am 10 weeks... we heard the heartbeat last week.. and everything was great inside they said.. baby is right on schedule..
but i am still worried. i have been reading a lot of scary things like your baby has a high risk of being stillborn.. i just dont know what to believe anymore.
i am also on a drug called IMURAN. also known as AZOTHORIPENE (sp?) has anyone ever been on this and pregnant? if you were, is your baby healthy? any birth defects on the baby?
so if anyone has had a great pregnancy and healthy baby and living with lupus please share with me.. i would love to hear some reassuring words from moms to be or moms already
Thanks!! =)