HI Alexb,
I'm one of those people on immune suppressants that NEVER gets sick. It seems as though the meds have actually made my immune system work perfectly. I still have my issues with lupus, etc, but when it comes to getting sick, infections, etc, I just don't get them! In this sense, I'm actually the healthiest person in my family. Hubby is sick with colds and crap all the time, same with my nephew, sister, etc. I feel like Wonderwoman!! It's great!
Lupus and immune suppressants will lower our white blood cell count. Which puts us at a greater risk of getting sick or getting an infection. So we just have to be careful and proactive in prevention.
There are a lot of things that will boost our immune system, which we don't want to happen. One major thing is Chiropractic adjustments. If you ever wonder if that is an effective treatment, I can tell you that whenever I get a neck or back adjustment, my lupus flares up something fierce. Chiropractic is a VERY effective treatment, and not something anyone with lupus should be receiving. My uncle is a chiropractor, and he won't adjust me!!!