Greetings everyone! I am so sorry that I haven't been able to keep up with everyone here at HW lately. I miss everyone here so much and I hope all is well. My new job is going well but I am pretty tired most nights. The days are long for me right now until I get things organized. I have been pacing myself quite well, however, and I have been able to stay away from a flare - thank goodness! I love my new school and the kids and teachers are wonderful!
My main issue has been an increasing problem with hot flashes (I think that is what it is) and it is getting worse even as the weather is starting to get cooler. I had been having infrequent hot flashes since starting my hormone creme prescribed by my family doctor. He wanted me off premarin when the study on Hormone Replacement Therapy came out and basically scared many women from using any estrogen at all. My doctor has me on bio-identical estrogen that I purchase from a local compounding pharmacy. I have had good results with it for over two years now. Recently, however, it has become more of a problem. I have hot flashes after I shower. I have hot flashes whenever I exert myself like take a walk, do any type of household chore, or move my body more than just basically sitting down or watching TV or reading a book. My hair gets wet, my clothes get wet, sometimes I am drenched and I need to change clothes and dry my hair with a hair dryer. It is all very time-consuming. Needless to say, I take many showers but this is usually pointless since I get all hot again from the shower!
Anyway, is this something for my family doctor or for my rhuemy? I cannot tell if it might be hormone related or lupus related. All I really know is it is driving me nuts! I turn the air conditioning on before my showers. I have a large, floor fan right by my vanity where I put my make-up on and fix my hair each day. My husband is freezing when I am home but I can hardly be comfortable unless I keep it really cold in the house and, even, in the office at school. I have all of these same problems wherever I go. I am fine while driving back and forth to work since I can have the air conditioning blow right on me.
Well, this is much longer than I first intended. Thanks for taking the time to read the whole story. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely - Audrey Ann (Please parden any spelling or grammar mistakes - I am really fatigued tonight but my insomnia is keeping me awake!)