Hi Everyone, I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. Sundays are rough for me. By the time I shower get ready and go to church I need to come home eat somthing and take a nap.
Old Hippirebel, I'm sorry you are having such a hard time sleeping. I do have times when insomnia takes over but it's about 3 or 4 days out of a month. The rest of the time I'm sleeping.
Lynnwood, it does make since that you would respond to the sleep aid. Maybe even though you were sleeping you wern't getting a recooperative sleep. I diffinently relate to the stress thing though. and boy it doesn't seem like it takes much for my stress level to go up these days. I imagine this possible transplant has a lot to do with it. Maybe counseling would be of some help. It seem like the only people that have a clue are you guys.
Kara(hugs), I'm glad you have some place to go to talk to people. This place has been a blessing to me.
Sue lol, I try to get TACO to make my coffee too. I think it's only fair. I let him out give him food and fresh water. Apperently he just thinks it's all about him lol.
Hi Patty, bless your heart. How is the move going? are the dogs enjoying there new home? So christmas in your new place that must be exciting!
Alwaysrosie, thanks for the input. I used to get more done when i lived by myself. You're right you can get quite a bit done a little at a time. I always wanted to learn how to do knitting and stuff but I'm left handed and when people would try to teach me I just got confused. I was much younger than. Maybe I should give it another try. Or if you want you can always knit me a warm bare of sockies for this winter LOL. Just kidding.
redrose, it sounds like you are right there with the other for the most part. 10 to 12 hours with a nap. Boy this disease really stinks. How on earth do you deal with a new baby? How old is alexander now?
Thanks again everyone, I hope you get a good night sleep.