Hi Ginny, lovely to see, er, read you are back.
Constipation, not a prob with me AT all since they lopped bits out of my lower colon and I am exactly the complete opposite.
but do walk and rest, when people say rest they mean dont do too much physical stuff like say cooking, lifting, bending all that sort of stuff, but you have to really walk for the blood flow and for the constipation.
Prune juice works wonders, any of the juices do. Drink plenty too, cos if you get dehydrated the stool gets er, rock hard!!!
Water softens the stool and allows it to shift.
My sis who has probs this way cos of her parkinsons finds bread works and she drinks prune juice.
But gentle walking is an absolute must.
I was made walk with tubes everywhere on the day after my op, up and down the corridor with different people holding both my arms, one near my back and tubes and bags held any which way.
Funny in the hospital when you saw this scene of others "Oh WOW! you ARE doing GREAt, well done!" Small hospital and everyone encouraged each other.
So glad you ok ginny, I was thinking of you heaps so the water that divides us mustnt be so great after all.
Oh my neice was a staff nurse on the surgical ward when I had my op. Not many can say their neice powered their bum after surgery!!!
Ann with the chihauhuas! Do you need a pic?!