I have MCTD which by definition is lupus, scleroderma and PM. By their very nature AI diseases are very elusive and difficult to understand, diagnose and treat. It is possible that you have had MCTD all along but it is also possible that your immune system has had new disruptions and your disease has morphed into a connective tissue disease.
It is not likely that you are getting false positives from your labs since you have already been diagnosed with lupus, RA and Sjogrens. Secondary conditions like Raynuads and Gerds are common.
Do you have any muscle weakness? Difficulty getting out of chairs, going up stairs, raising your hands over your head, or even swallowing?
Most patients with MCTD exhibit some symptoms of myositis like I just described. GERDs can be caused by myositis by weakening the spincter muscles at the top of the stomach.
MCTD is considered a separate disease that can have symptoms of all 3 diseases. Every case is different and the range of severity is from mild to very severe like my case. There has been a debate since 1972 over whether MCTD is a separate disease or not but it takes the presence of anti U1 RNP antibodies to make a diagnosis. I had symptoms of lupus and polymyositis and possible internal scleroderma but that was never determined for sure even after several endoscopic exams and many biopsies. I had severe joint pains for the first 5 months until prednisone relieved those pains. Those symptoms could have been diagnosed as some form of arthritis by a less experienced doctor.
Hope you can get answers but the treatment for MCTD is similar to lupus and myositis (except IBM) diseases. Do not ignore any increase in muscle weakness or swallowing problems as these symptoms are indicative of an active disease state and the need for a change of meds.