Hi KE08,
I can completely understand why you're upset and frustrated over all this. Let's see how we can help you...
Okay, your ANA is NOT border line. That is a strong positive result. I was diagnosed with lupus with that same ANA titre. Borderline is 1:20, 1:80. On the other hand.... Lots of people have a positive ANA of that titre or higher, and don't have autoimmune problems of any kind. So the general population of healthy people will have a strong positive ANA.
Your sed rate is perfectly normal. Normal is 0-20. If you were having inflammatory issues that lupus would create, that number would be at least 40 and probably closer to 100+. Fibro isn't inflammatory and a sed rate will be normal.
The symptoms you mentioned in your post are all very strong Fibro symptoms. Someone with Fibro can have a positive ANA. Most will have a normal sed rate, and other normal test results. Did you take a look at the link I sent you in another posting regarding the 11 criteria for lupus? Unless you have at least 4 of them, you won't get a lupus diagnosis.
So to summarize, your ANA is not borderline. It's a strong positive, but lots of people who don't have any autoimmune diseases will have that kind of ANA titre. Just because it's a strong positive, doesn't mean you have lupus or anything else autoimmune. It's just a place where doctors can start to look at your symptoms,etc, and put together a plan or a diagnosis.
I hope this helps. I know it's frustrating. I think treating your Fibro is so important. It's not easy to do, but believe me, having Fibro is much better than having lupus. I'd be feeling very relieved to know that your blood work looks fine and you don't have any inflammation going on anywhere. That is so fortunate.