Hi Peacesoul
I am still officially employed, but am on short-term disability at this time. I tried so hard to continue to work that I probably made things worse by refusing to take FMLA and things of that nature when I started seeing signs my Lupus and job were not agreeing with one another. I guess my ego got the better of me and here I sit at home now with unable to do much of anything, lesson learned.
I began having major issues in Jan. 2007, at which time I was managing 20 employees, putting in 10+ hours a day and on call 24x7. My job was extremely stressful, as I did not know when the phone would ring and I would have to log in from home, literally night and day. Anyone would call me from my employees up to the vice president of my division, I work for a very large telecommunications company. After 4 years of this I told my husband in April 2007 I just could not do it anymore and requested a downgrade in my job to reduce the stress and hours, in June I accepted a lower paying job with normal hours and unfortunately less pay.
The problem was my body had had enough by then and I had to give in and take some time off. My rhuemy told me if I didn't let go of some of the stress I would never get well. In August I ended up in the hospital, it was the first time I filed FMLA, I felt so guilty about that it made things even worse. By the end of September I was a wreck and the meds I was on were doing no good at all, my rhuemy sat me down and said you have got to go on disability, if you don't back off all the meds in the world are not going to help you.
1- Do you take many sick days off of work? How many? As you could see I refused to take them and made things worse, I would literally almost crawl to work.
2- how many hrs as week do you work? For years I worked 60+ hrs, this job however allowed me to work from home anytime I needed to, if I was feeling bad, I just called my manager and told her I need to work from home, when I switched jobs I worked 40 hrs, but I could not work from home, it actually made things harder on me which I would not have thought, because I had to be there 8 hours a day.
3- How long is the travel time to and from work? 5 mins
4- Is your employer understanding of your illness? Yes, they have been very understand, thank God
5- what is the one symptom that makes you the most ill to not be able to work? Fatigue is the worse thing, somedays I just didn't know if I could get out of bed, joint pain I didn't know if I could walk across the parking lot and up to my desk, I would wear gloves at work to try and keep my hands warm and comfortable enough to type.
I wish you the best in whatever decision you have to make. I miss working, mostly because I miss the interaction with the people and at 41, I hate to think this disease has gotten the better of me. But there are days when I think, hey I could get used to being a lady of leasure, perhaps this isn't so bad afterall !