Hi Kiki,
I was just going to mention exactly what Lynnwood has already said. The dry mouth issue can wreak havoc on our teeth. It's called Sjogren's Syndrome (show-grins). A blood test will diagnosis it. It's common in Lupus and Fibromyalgia.
I was diagnosed with lupus first, and within a couple of months the Fibro diagnosis came. I think I've had them both, together for a long time. I've hardly ever had the lupus rash as well. But I had 8 of the other 11 criteria for lupus.
It's not an easy thing to differentiate between Lupus and Fibro. ONe of the tell-tale signs that it's Fibro only is if all of your blood tests keep coming back normal, month after month, etc. If you start getting positive results, that's a good indicator that more than Fibro is going on. Fibro will always make you look like you're totally healthy and normal (as far as the blood work goes).
I hope this helps! Welcome to the forum!