((Dear Sweet Barb)) Thanks for letting us know how you're doing. I really don't know anyone sicker than you are, but I hope that notion doesn't make you feel worse. I'm just saying you have more than enough reason to vent. I'm sorry you'll be on O2 permanently. I can't imagine how much it must suck. Those warts sound nasty. Since taking Cellcept I have two warts on my palms, but they a very small. Having a mediport is no easy task either, especially with your immune system. Medical terminology (expire) is a language all its' own. I used to have a very funny "dictionary" of medical terms. I only remember my favorite which I hope will make you smile (not cry). OK, the definition of
barium: what you do when CPR fails.
I'm doing pretty well right now, so I'm sending you
lots of positive energy!! Love ya, Donna