Okay guys I am in a jam and need all and any advice! I am still in dx limbo and it is causing me all sorts of trouble! First of all I am in such pain! It started just in my knees and ankles. That was bad enough but ibuprofen did the trick- for awhile. Now it is getting worse and I feel like crying. Its my whole body- it aches like crazy. Any ideas on what to do? The ibuprofen / tylenol mix isn't even working. Even my old standby of Pamprin (hey its made to relax muscles!).
I couldn't get out of the 12 day business trip that I have to take. It will be heck for me! Opposite schedule, long days, no rest, roommate that snores! I am really freaking out.
My GP doesn't want to treat me until he knows what he is treating, and my first appt w/my rheumy is 2 months away. On top of that I have been having a really hard time breathing. My pulmonologist Dr. Crazyguy diagnosed me with COPD on paper but gave me a script for allergy meds. Even slight exertion leaves me unable to breathe (in that scary should I go to the ER? way).
I need to get back on my feet asap. And I can't do that when everything makes me tired and the pain is BAD. And the breathing is freaking me out.
I need any and all home remedies that you guys have found that work for you. Anything that is portable and hotel ready. Any pain relief (especially the kind that travels well). How much ibuprofen can I take at one time? In a day? Everything from my head to my toes is in pain.
Any suggestions for things that I could ask my GP for? He offered vicodin but I am allergic and after that he offered me nothing. I think that he is just being cautious and I understand that. But you all can understand my desperation, I hope.
Thanks in advance for any ideas/help!