I have a diagnosis of UCTD. It looks like lupus in a variety of ways, but I don't have specific antibodies for it, just a high positive ANA and lots of symptoms. I've learned on this forum (and between the lines from my rheumy) that the important thing is treatment - and we go from there.
I've been in "the loop" for several years - but I had a fibro diagnosis clouding the picture. Most people on here will tell you it isn't uncommon to take years for an actual diagnosis of Lupus, or any AI problem, for that matter. I was very impatient to begin with - who isn't when you feel miserable and nothing concrete is coming into focus? But being taken seriously and getting treatment has helped immensely.
That your doc is willing to treat is a huge step. The Plaq takes awhile - although I felt somewhat better within a few weeks - hang in there!