Hi Tammy! It sounds like you are flaring pretty bad right now! Have you called your rhuemy? They might need to adjust your meds to get through this flair.
about the pain, to be honest, when I was having horrible pain I could not find anything that would help. I would hurt so bad I couldnt even go to the bathroom by myself because I couldnt sit down or stand up from the pain! Nothing helped except pulse IV of prednisone at 1000mg for 3 days...then they put me on 60 mg orally, which I am back up to...Stupid Kidneys (LOL) but it has helped greatly with the pain....its not all gone this time but its helping a lot. I had several different pain killers and they did nothing. The thing that might have helped a little bit was keeping your body warm. I would take my heating blanket with me everywhere and keep it on me at all times. Also a HOT bath would help but make sure your husband is around because I am guessing you wouldnt be able to get out of the tub by yourself...at least I wasnt due to my pain.
I hope you feel better and the pain gets better. Do you know if your Kidneys are flaring up to? I would deffainly call your rheumy because they might want to check that since you are flaring! Please keep me updated and sorry I didnt have any good advice!!!!