I think I'm losing my job......
This is basically the same as a post I did on Chronic Pain, but I hope no one minds.....my friends from Lupus don't read the Chronic Pain posts and the CP friends don't read the Lupus posts, but I wanted to reach out to everyone about
Anyway, due to my chronic illnesses and such, I was put on a 6-month contract at work where I could work at home for approximately half the time as long as I was in the office for about
half the time. For the past two months I've been at home about
90% of the time....just because of pain, vertigo, etc. I've just not been able to get there.
The 6 months is now up. Has been up for a few weeks now. My supervisor's supervisor told me on the phone on Thursday that she cannot sign another 6-month extension of the same contract because "I've demonstrably proven that I can't keep my end of the bargain".
I work 1/2 time for one team and 1/2 time for another. For one team (instrument support), I can work from home all day long, and my supervisor for that team is totally happy with my work; even as ill as I've been, I've been able to do it from home. The issue is the other team, the scheduling team. To do my work for the scheduling team, I have to be physically present. My boss for scheduling is quite unhappy because the last two times I was assigned to build a schedule, I ended up both times having to hand it off to another person to finish.
I generally have to be there for at least 4 days out of 5 for a couple of weeks straight to get the work done when I'm scheduling, and the reality is that I make it for maybe two days running, then I'm exhausted and my pain level is through the roof.....then I'm toast.
SO......I have purposefully begun taking strong narcotic pain medication just in the past month; I have ordered new glasses (dark-tinted) to help with my vertical double vision (ophthalmologist believes it's due to astigmatisim) and sensitivity to light. I have done these things in an attempt to make it possible to get back to work.....but maybe it's too late!
I really wasn't sure how I felt; I thought maybe I was ready to go on disability. But now, since push has come to shove, I know that I want them to give me another chance!
BTW, when I speak of a "schedule", I mean a putting together week-long series of commands to a spacecraft and its onboard instrument. So yeah, we're talking NASA, a billion dollar mission, and all of that. Maybe they shouldn't be entrusting it to me, with my level of brain fog.....?
No, REALLY, I would never endanger the spacecraft....I would go on disability first. I truly believe I can still do this!!
How do I convince them?? We have a meeting scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, 2pm. Can they force me into medical leave??
Maybe the worst thing that can happen is that they just don't renew my contract to work from home part-time. Then I have to be there everyday.
I don't know the laws regarding these things.
Thanks for any comments or input from anyone out there!