Greeting Everyone!! I'm back from Miami and Thank God! Think of the hottest you've ever been and multiply it 20. That's Miami in June. I set my Mom's A/C at 71 ad the house still never cooled off lower then 78. With all the concrete and asphalt, all the cars and people all the tall building blocking any ocean breezes there might have been, it is absolutely unbearable and the sun just bakes you. If it rain for a little while, it is totally like walking into a steam room. I would take a cold shower, step out and the water would just evaporate because my body was so hot. So enough about
the heat. While I was down there I had to have a third round of antibiotics called in because the Strep was still not going way. It finally started going away last saturday. We did mostly family mostly family visiting, since all the Grandparents live down there, although I wouldn't be suprised if they are actually aliens from Mercury or some other extremely hot planet that have replaced all life in Miami, since it is surely no longer suitible for human habitation. I got home on Tuesday and since we had house sitters, I hd a lot of house cleaning to do, unpacking, laundry etc., but my doggies are well cared for and seem very happy. The kids had fun and went swimming in Grandma's pool everyday. I couldn't go in as much as wanted. It was way to much sun in the daytime and in the evening, I just didn't have the energy. They have a fantastic children's museum in Miami, where everything is hands on. The kids had a blast, it was just me and my Mom and he two kids. At one point, the kids wanted to go in different directions so Mom took the olderone (7) and I took the soon to be 3 year old. Well, my little Joey decided to take off running at full blast away from right into a school group. I went running after him at full blast up a ramp and tripped diving after him. I caught him, but also landed on my hands and knees. My poor inflamed hands turned purple and swelled up, I had to go to the first aide station and get ice, my whole body hurt. Miami was just full of Mommy getting hurt in one way or another. I couldn't wait to get home. Of course now in the midst of party planning because Joey's 3rd Birthday is Saturday. I thought I would get a chance to rest after that, but last night my DH informs that my 16 year old step son is coming a week earlier then he origianlly told me, so he'll be here on Sunday instead of next week and he'll stay for about
a month. I feel a major flare on the winds, it's looming, my skin has been tingling with hives just below the surface for a week, my hans are killing me. I'm so tired I could sleep for a month. I've had migraines almost everyday since we landed in Miami and it seems they followed me home. All I can think about
is those glorious 27 days and how much I want them back. Yesterday I drove another 2 hours, leaving the house at 6:00 am, to see a Rheumy at the Emory Clinic in Atlanta. This Doctor seems very good and is a Professor of Rheumatology at the University of Emory as well and has been published for works on early treatment of AI diseases. So at this point it looks like I have a really nasty case of Sjogren's. The Rheumy said that it can make all you other blood work go screwy, make Rf and Anti-dsdna go positive so AI blood tests become somewhat useless. Discovering if there is any other disease overlap will be a matter of waiting for definitive symptoms to show. I hope that doesn't mean I'll be kicked out the group, though. LOL Sorry this is so long, Had a lot to update. I'm off to get back to my party planning. No rest for the weary and all that. Take care everyone and God Bless.