Hi everyone. I'm new here and to the forum world itself. I have MCTD, Firbomyalgia and migraines. I'm 26 years old with two children and the physical limitations are really starting to get under my skin. Does anyone have any advise? I'm on meds to help with everything...but I seem to have "flare ups" more and more. I had to go to the ER two days ago and they sent me home with strong meds that knock me out. I used to play soccer and was very active. In mid 2008 I was hospitalized with Salmonella and then it's been down hill since then. I was not "supossed" to be able to have any children, but I had another child and was high risk the whole time and had a healthy baby boy.
There is family history of autoimmune diseases, my mom had grave's disease and my mom's mom had scleraderma.
Sorry for the long intro. I am really looking forward to find some advice on how to cope and get through everyday life without feeling bad that I can't run with my seven year old.
Thanks in advance,