I am a total newbie to this site but your stories drew me here, I know this is a lupus forum but you all sound like you have alot of the systems I have and I can really feel for all of you even though I do not have lupus. I am 47 year old women and have had high ESR readings for the last 15 years usually around the 120 mark, I started to feel unwell after I had my last child, we had problems after she was born and all her blood was removed and she was given mine, so this is now a worry for me. By the time I was 35 yrs old I was that tied I had trouble getting myself out of bed to take the kids to school and pick them up and on the way and from school I would have to stop the car to vomit. I went to the Dr and she sent me for alot of tests including spinal taps which all come back clear and a bone marrow test and of course the hospital lost these results and would not do them again, I had been poked and proded and taken samples of all sorts of bits and pieces of me with still the same answer 'they don't know what it is'.
My systems are a whole range that can last anywhere between 4 wks and 3 mths but the fatigue sits in the background always just at a different level and I get hit with it at least 3 times a year, I thought I was going mad when it first started. Hot fevers that made me sweat that much we had to change the sheets at night at least a couple of time and cold fevers that did the same, fatique, vomiting, could not eat one day but be starving another day, feel like sharp needle being pushed through my skin and bone and then it would stop after about 30 second but start somewhere else until the cycle had run it course, no one can touch me at times or it feels like a BIG punch and leaves a bruise. I also bruise for no reason and sometime my thinking is not clear but I don't know if that is from pain or what.
When I was 42 yrs old I met a new man, he was horrified with what was going on and I let him talk me into going back to the Dr as everything could be fast tracked as I worked at a hospital (I lived in Brisbane by this time). So I went through most of the same test as before except the bonemarrow and was sent from department to department until they finally gave up.
I now just live with this illness as I believe I have the same as my mother died from a few years ago, I watched her go through the same process, Dr after Dr with no answers until just before she died. She died of leukemia that there was no cure for and they can not find the leukemia until not long before you die. My elder sister also has the same systems as me and my younger sister is just starting to get them. I could be wrong with my thinking so if anyone has any ideas about what my sisters and I have please let me know