well i did the steps you told me to do and it says i am not subscribed to ant e mail subscript
ions at this time, so i guess i will figure it out later.
Well J.P. thank you for asking how I am doing ,well not good at all.
I have been srtuck with so much sadness that i can't fuction very well, my best friend /sister/(went to school with) has been fighting Bachetts,(spelling) cancer and is loosing her battle to lukemia(spelling) I can't go be with her because I have to get gallbladder surgery when they get me my appmt with the surgen,( hope its soon this hurts) she most likely wont make it threw the week.
I am so full of this sadness and yet I did the hardest thing ever and that was e mail her sister a letter to read her because she is in to much pain to talk on the phone, but I should feel so blessed to be able to tell her good bye. The sadness has stressed my body out and I am hurting all over. The topper I have been to the Dr. three times in two weeks and have packed on 8 lbs. in that short time Gatta Love Pred.!!!!!!!!!!
I hope that you all have a wonderful Turkey Day
waves of hugs