I usually post on the fibro site because that (so far) is the only concrete diagnosis I've gotten so far.
tomorrow I see a neurologist because my rheumy thinks that there may be more going on than just the fibro.
I think what is throwing him is that my blood levels go way off the charts whenever I have a "flare".
When I go to the neurologist I will already have the mri disk to take with me and also the blood work from the past couple tests. I am wondering what he may be looking for. I had thought maybe lupus but that is usually diagnosed by the rheumy, right??
I dont have the forms right here in front of me but by memory (or what memory I think I have) I can tell you that my iron was 6.2 (should be 11.5) and my vit d was 11 (should be at least 33) and several other cbc counts were in the "alert" status.
This seems to happen with every flare or because of every flare?? hmmm
Is this something that happens with lupus?? If so, why did the rheumy set me up with an appt to see the neuro?? Any ideas??
I should also mention that I had to have a blood transfusion in Aug. due to all the levels being out of whack??
I know I will (or should) get some answers tomorrow but I just cant stop thinking about it and wondering what it is the rheumy thinks is going on??