I'm interested to hear about anyone else's experience in finding out solid, concrete information from their health professional when considering whether or not to fall pregnant. I have Lupus Nephritis and I have been to see my specialist 3 times on the subject and I'm none the wiser. For example he says "if you ask me if you should fall pregnant the answer is no.... if you ask me whether its medically possible the answer is yes but there are risks. This is delivered in an 'airy' way - I've been thinking that maybe this is because the disease is so variable and maybe there isn't any way to solidly assess the risk. I am in remission and have been for about 6 months and am on Aziathioprine and Plaquenil. All good and I feel great though I know I still have ANA indicators. From my perspective I think I have had a model recovery. Anyway any thoughts would be welcome (note I can't change my specialist or get a second opinion as I live in a remote location.