Lynnwood said...
There are elements of stress that make almost every illness worse. However, if this is how your "best friend" attempts to support you during a lupus diagnosis might I suggest looking elsewhere for support?
Have you given this friend information like this: The Spoon Theory?
I hope you find better support here,
A lot of people don't understand illnesses like Lupus and other autoimmune diseases. The symptoms that come with them can be downright strange and alarming. Many people tend to rationalize the symptoms as anxiety, and brush it off as just hypochondria, instead of a possible serious underlying disease. This makes it difficult to confide in others who cannot accept your cry for help. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, sarcoidosis/ neurosarcoidosis and akylosing spondilitis and my family still has a hard time accepting the news my doctor gave me. My mom seems to pretend she doesn't hear me when I talk about
it, but only pays attention to the infection I have because of my diseases.
It might take a while for Littlesrebel's friend to humbly accept that she/he has an inflammatory disease. Otherwise, it's time to push on to new sources of support. Maybe confide in your family, other friends or seek a counselor or psychologist. There's plenty of online health communities and groups you can meet up with in your community. We're here for your support as well. Everyone deserves to be cared for during time of illness. Keep getting answers from your doctor and read up what you can about
your symptoms. Fibromyalgia is sometimes diagnosed in patients before it's found that they really have something more serious in the Rheumy department.
Good luck to you Littlesrebel.